John Hughes Ladies Gala Day 13th April 2018
Thirty-five visiting teams from 20 Clubs, including 4 country clubs, attended our Gala Day on Friday 13th April 2018 for a themed Black Cat event. Six Manning girls helped by filling in for teams who were 1 short on the day plus for a late withdrawal. Thanks girls.
For some added fun, all teams were given a “Cat Name” i.e. Bengal Beauties, Bewitching Burmese, Persian Pussies, Cool Cats, Mighty Moggies and Flashy Felines to name a few. The Cool Cats from Leeming were really into the spirit of the day, dressing up as cats and looking gorgeous.
Black Jacks replaced the usual white jacks for the 13th end. These rather small painted golf balls added to the challenge. Scratchies were given as a prize to those closest to the jack on all rinks, both for am and pm games.
Overall winners for the day were the Mighty Moggies from Melville, with Runners-up the Bouncy Burmillas from Kalamunda and in 3rd place the Sleek Shorthairs from Gosnells. Club member Kristina Krstic, current World Youth Championships Singles title holder, presented the prizes to the winners.
Manning Bowling Club hospitality excelled again with a yummy lunch of quiche and a huge selection of fabulous salads. Sweets were a treat of sticky date pudding, caramel sauce and cream. All made by the tender loving hands of our lady members.
We were extremely pleased to have John Hughes sponsoring our Gala Day again this year with a donation of $1000 for prizes. Unfortunately, at the last minute, John was unable to attend for the presentations.
Our sincere thanks go to other Sponsors – Super IGA Waterford, Silversprings Wines, The Alchemists Wines, O’Briens Clothing Co, Waterford Plaza Centre Management, Liquor traders and Matsos Brewery.
Congratulations and thank you to all Manning members who made the day such a success. This was only made possible by the amazing generosity of our members who contributed in a huge variety of ways. It was wonderful to see such a large number of our members (both ladies and men) assisting with the event.
Special thanks to the Grounds Committee, our green keeper David and the volunteers who assisted with the preparation of the greens and surrounds and to our umpires of the day.
Gala Day Committee
Jean Swift, Robyn Jolly, Rose Turnbull, Sue Barrow and Margaret Seebeck