Should you wish to hire our facilities, please complete the following:-
- Please call the Venue & Bar Manager on 9450 3410 (during opening hours) or send an e-mail to [email protected] to check to see if your date is available.
- Please complete the application attached to this page and either scan and e-mail, or post to Manning Eagles Bowling Club
Thank you
Manning Eagles Bowling Club
Venue Hire Manager
- All inquiries to the Venue & Bar Manager on 9450 3410 and applications to hire the venue and facilities must be forwarded to the Venue & Bar Manager for consideration and approval [email protected].
- The Venue & Bar Manager will determine:-
1.1 Any variation to the fees
1.2 Suitability of the function relative to the club’s needs and Liquor License.
2. Non-members who wish to hire the venue and facilities must become Social Members ($10 p.a.) ***
3. Fully paid-up Full/Ordinary members of the club are awarded a 50% discount.
4. Bond to be paid with application and the booking will not be confirmed until the bond has been received.
5. Full payment of fees to be paid 14 days before the event.
6. Security is required for 21st Birthday Parties at the expense of the hirer.
7. Kitchen hire includes the use of all non-consumables.
8. Table linen not provided by the club.
*** Download the Social Membership Nomination Form [PDF]
- The person hiring any part of the premises must be at least a Social Member of the club.
- All drinks must be paid for by the club member.
- No cash bar or individual sales unless a sit down meal is provided or extended trading permit granted (allow at least 14 days for approval and a cost of $100).
- All visitors must abide by Liquor Licensing Rules – bar service may be refused for any breach.
Please click the button to download and complete our venue hire application form.
Once completed please scan and email to [email protected] or post to
Manning Eagles Bowling Club – 1590 Challenger Avenue, Manning WA 6152