Manning Darts Club

October 2024 Update – SBCDA Handicapped Singles result!

The SBCDA Handicapped Singles competition was held last night (10 October 2024) at MNRC

The Grand Final went down to the winner with Andrew Bourke defeating Gus Hayden in a very close 2:1 win

Congratulations to Andrew
It was a long night, with 39 registered players, and many thanks to those who were able to stay to the end and support the finalists

We chose, based on the results of last week’s survey to hold a round robin, best of 3, format. In retrospect, this was probably not the best choice and we had to adjust on the fly to make it work, but it did in the end
We will review the format for next year. Enough comments were made loud and clear last night and Wayne and I will not be responding in this matter prior to the AGM

Well done again to all players, especially to Andrew and Gus

Results for 2022 Darts Pairs Championships

Congratulations to Paul Sylwestruk and Harry Holle, winners of the 2022 Club’s dart pairs Championships held on Tuesday, 25th October.

Paul Sylwestruk and Harry Holle
Paul Sylwestruk and Harry Holle

Results for 2019 Darts Singles Championships

Congratulations to Adam Forsyth, this year’s winner of the Club’s dart singles. Commiserations to Luke Hennessy runner up in his first year with us. Interesting to note that both players hit 180s on the night but Luke was given tissues as he actually busted with his one – we had to explain that it can’t count.   

Adam Forsyth

Great night had by all with the wooden spoon still being considered; there are many contenders. On another note, the dart team are clear leaders in their Tuesday night comp with just 3 rounds to go before the finals. This is the first time in 20 years we have ever been in front – fingers crossed for the big games to come. 

Regards Manning Dart Team.