Manning Memorial Bowling Club            

Ladies Gala Day Friday 29th October 2021

To Manning Bowling Club members

Our Club hosted forty visiting teams from 24 Clubs for our annual Gala Day held on Friday 29th October 2021.  After a wet winter players were fortunate to enjoy a warm, sunny day on the greens.

We were again extremely pleased to have MV Wholesale sponsoring our Gala Day with a donation of $1000 towards prizes. Veronica Raphael joined us for afternoon tea and assisted with the prize presentations.

Thank you to all who assisted with the day.  The success of the day was only made possible by the amazing generosity of our members by way of donations and their time leading up to and on the day.  It was wonderful to see such a large number (41 ladies & 14 men) of our members assisting on the day.  The comradery around the Club was great and members willingly pitched in wherever needed.

Special thanks to the Grounds Committee, our green keeper David and the volunteers who helped with the preparation of the greens and surrounds and to our umpires of the day.

A very special thanks to you all, our fabulous and supportive members who:

  • donated salads (fresh & delicious)
  • made quiches (always the best)- for which dozens of happy chook eggs were donated
  • made savoury pikelets, cakes and mini muffins etc for morning tea
  • donated towards prizes
  • grew plants, prepared and donated items for the various stalls
  • collected and assembled raffle prizes
  • setup, manned stalls and sold raffle tickets
  • made and donated slices, confectionery, cakes
  • creatively produced table centres
  • assisted with sewing of the bowls cloth gifts
  • set up tables inside and for the garden stall outside
  • set tables for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
  • worked in the kitchen
  • washed up
  • assisted with the running of the day & tallying of results
  • helped with the bar
  • tidied the toilets
  • organised mats, jacks and boards
  • assisted with cleaning and packing up.


The net profit result at this time is $6,063. This is a marvellous result and $243 over last year’s profit.

The Committee will liaise with/suggest to the Club Executive as to how the funds will be utilised.

Congratulations and thank you again to all who made the day such a success. We truly appreciate your magnificent efforts to support your Club for this annual fundraising day.

With much appreciation from the Gala Day Committee

Jean Swift, Sue Barrow, Derry Gray, Heather Pryce, Christine Ellis and Margaret Seebeck